Hadis Tsaqalayn adalah hadis yang menegaskan bahwa umat Islam wajib berpegang teguh dengan Al-Qur’an dan Ahlul bait Nabi saw. Redaksi hadis ini bermacam-macam, antara lain:
Rasulullah saw bersabda:
إِنِّي تَارِكٌ فِيْكُمُ الثَّقَلَيْنِ كِتَابُ اللهِ وَعِتْرَتِي أَهْلُ بَيْتِي، مَا إِنْ تَمَسَّكْتُمْ بِهِمَا لَنْ تَضِلُّوْا
“Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kalian dua pusaka yang berharga: Al-Qur’an dan ‘Itrahku, Ahlul baitku.”
يَا أَيُّهَاالنَّاسُ إِنِّي تَرَكْتُ فِيْكُمْ مَا إِنْ أَخَذْتُمْ بِهِ لَنْ تَضِلُّوْا: كِتَابُ اللهِ وَعِتْرَتِي أَهْلُ بَيْتِي
“Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kalian, yang jika kalian bepegang teguh dengannya kalian tidak akan tersesat: Al-Qur’an dan ‘Itrahku, Ahlul baitku.”
إِنِّي تَرَكْتُ فِيْكُمْ مَا لَنْ تَضِلُّوْا بَعْدِي إِنْ اِعْتَصَمْتُمْ بِهِ كِتَابُ اللهِ وَعِتْرَتِي
“Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kalian sesuatu yang jika kalian berpegang teguh dengannya, kalian tidak akan tersesat sesudahku: Al-Qur’an dan ‘Itrahku.”
إِنِّي تَارِكٌ فِيْكُمُ خَلِيْفَتَيْنِ ـ اَوِ الْخَلِيْفَتَيْنِ ـ: كِتَابُ اللهِ وَعِتْرَتِي، مَا إِنْ تَمَسَّكْتُمْ بِهِمَا لَنْ تَضِلُّوْا بَعْدِي
“Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kalian dua khalifah: Al-Qur’an dan ‘Itrahku. Jika kalian berpegang teguh dengan keduanya, kalian tidak akan tersesat sesudahku.”
إِنِّي تَارِكٌ فِيْكُمُ الثَّقَلَيْنِ كِتَابُ اللهِ وَعِتْرَتِي أَهْلُ بَيْتِي، مَا إِنْ تَمَسَّكْتُمْ بِهِمَا لَنْ تَضِلُّوْا بَعْدِي، فَلاَ تُقَدِّمُوهُمَا فَتَهْلِكُوا، وَلاَ تُقَصِّرُوا عَنْهُمَا فَتَهْلِكُوا، وَلاَ تُعَلِّمُوهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ أَعْلَمُ مِنْكُمْ
“Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kalian dua pusaka yang berharga: Al-Qur’an dan ‘Itrahku, Ahlul baitku. Jika kalian berpegang teguh dengan keduanya kalian tidak akan tersesat sesudahku. Maka janganlah kalian mendahului keduanya sehingga kalian binasa, jangan menganggap enteng keduanya sehingga kalian binasa, dan jangan mengajari mereka karena mereka lebih tahu dari kalian.”
إِنِّي تَارِكٌ فِيْكُمُ مَا إِنْ تَمَسَّكْتُمْ بِهِ لَنْ تَضِلُّوْا بَعْدِي، أَحَدُهُمَا أَعْظَمُ مِنَ اْلاَخَرِ: كِتَابُ اللهِ حَبْلٌ مَمْدُوْدٌ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ إِلَى اْلاَرْضِ وَعِتْرَتِي أَهْلُ بَيْتِي، وَلَنْ يَتَفَرَّقَا حَتَّى يَرِدَا عَلَيَّ الْحَوْضَ، فَانْظُرُوا كَيْفَ تَخَلَّفُونِي فِيْهِمَا
“Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kalian sesuatu jika kalian berpegang teguh dengannya kalian tidak akan tersesat sesudahku, yang satu lebih agung dari yang lain: Al-Qur’an adalah tali penyambung dari langit ke bumi dan ‘Itrahku, Ahlul baitku. Keduanya tidak akan terpisahkan sehingga keduanya kembali padaku di telaga surga, maka perhatikan bagaimana sikap mereka kepada keduanya sesudahku”
Hadis Tsaqalayn dengan bermacam-macam redaksinya terdapat dalam:
1. Shahih At-Tirmidzi, jilid 2, halaman 219; jilid 5, halaman 662 dan 663, no: 3786 dan 3788, Dar Ihya’ at-Turats al-‘Arabi, Bairut.
2. Musnad Ahmad, jilid 5, halaman 492, no: 1878; jilid 6, halaman 232, no: 21068, 21145, dan 244.
3. Mustadrak Al-Hakim, jilid 3, halaman 109.
4. Thabaqat Ibnu Sa’d, jilid 1, halaman 194.
5. Al-Mathalib Al-‘Aliyah, Ibnu Hajar Al-‘Asqalani, no hadis: 1873.
6. Mu’jam Al-Kabir, Ath-Thabrani, jilid 3, halaman 62, no hadis: 2678; jilid 5, halaman 186-187, cet. Dar Ihya’ at-Turats Al-‘Arabi.
7. Mashabih As-Sunnah, jilid 4, halaman 190, no hadis: 4816, cet. Dar Ma’rifah, Bairut tahun 1407 H.
8. Jami’ul Ushul, jilid 1, halaman 278, no hadis: 66, cet. Darul Fikr, Bairut tahun 1403 H.
9. Ash-Shawa’iqul Muhriqah, Ibnu Hajar, halaman 90, 231, 233, cet Darul kutun ilmiyah, Bairut tahun 1414 H.
10. Usdul Ghabah, jilid 1, halaman 490, cet Darul Fikr, Bairut tahun 1409 H.
11. Tafsir Ar-Razi, jilid 8, halaman 173.
12. Tafsir Al-Khazin, jilid 1, halaman 277, cet Darul kutub ilmiyah, Bairut tahun 1415 H.
13. Kitab As-Sunnah oleh Ibnu Abi ‘Ashim, halaman 336, no: 754, cet. Al-Maktab Al-‘Arabi, Bairut tahun 1405 H.
14. Majma’uz Zawaid, jilid 9, halaman 165, cet. Darul kutun al-‘Arabi, Bairut tahun 1402 H.
15. Al-Jami’ush Shaghir bisyarhil Manawi, jilid 3, halaman 14.
16. Faydhul Qadir, jilid 3, halaman 14, syarah hadis ke 2631, cet Darul Fikr, Bairut tahun 1391 H.
17. Jami’ul Ushul 1/ 277.
18. Sunan Al-Darimi 2/ 310
19. Sunan Al-Baihaqi 2/ 148
20. Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah 5/ 209
21. Kasyful Astar 3/ 221
22. Tarikh Baghdad 8/ 443
23. Tarikh Ash-Shaghir 1/ 302
24. Al-Ishabah, Ibnu hajar 7/ 78, no: 4767
25. As-Sirah Al-Halabiyah 3/ 274.
Para Perawi hadis Tsaqalayn dari kalangan sahabat
1. Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib (as)
2. Imam Hasan bin Ali (as)
3. Abu Dzar Al-Ghifari
4. Salman Al-Farisi
5. Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Anshari
6. Abul Haytsim Ibnu An-Tihan
7. Hudzaifah Al-Yamani
8. Hudzaifah bin Asid Abu Syarikhah
9. Zaid bin Tsabit
10. Abu Said Al-Khudri
11. Khuzaimah bin Tsabit
12. Abdurrahman bin Auf
13. Thalhah
14. Abu Hurairah
15. Said bin Abi Waqqash
16. Abu Ayyub Al-Anshari
17. Amru bin Ash
18. Fatimah Az-Zahra’
19. Ummu Salamah Ummul mukminin
20. Ummu Hani (saudara perempuan Imam Ali as)
Para Perawi pasca sahabat:
1. Said bin Masruq Ats-Tsauri
2. Sulaiman bin Mahran Al-A’masy
3. Muhammad bin Ishaq, shahibus Sirah
4. Muhammad bin Sa’d, shahibuth Thabaqat
5. Abi Bukar bin Abi Syaibah
6. Ibnu Rahawaih, shahibul Musnad
7. Ahmad bin Hanbal, shahibul Musnad
8. Abd bin Humaid, shahibul Musnad
9. Muslim bin Hujjaj, penulis Shahih Muslim
10. Ibnu Majah Al-Qazwini, shahibus Sunan
11. Abu Dawud, shahibus Sunan
12. At-Tirmidzi, penulis shahih Tirmidzi
13. Abu Bakar Al-Bazzar, penulis Musnad.
14. An-Nasa’i shahibush Shahih
15. Abu Ya’la Al-Mawshili, shahibul Musnad
16. Ibnu Abi Ashim, penulis kitab As-Sunnah
17. Muhammad bin jarir, mufassir dan penulis Tarikh.
18. Abul Qasim Ath-Thabrani, penulis Mu’jam
19. Abul hasan Ad-Daraquthni Al-Baghdadi
20. Al-Hakim An-Naisaburi, penulis Al-Mustadrak
21. Abu Na’im Al-Isfahani
22. Abu Bakar Al-Baihaqi, penulis Sunan al-Kubra
23. Ibnu Abd Al-Birr, penulis Al-Isti’ab
24. Al-Khathib Al-Baghdadi, penulis Tarikh Baghdad
25. Razin Al-Abdari, penulis Al-Jam’u bayna Ash-Shahhah As-Sunnah
26. Muhyissunnah Al-Baghawi, penulis Mashahihus Sunnah
27. Al-Qadhi ‘Iyad, penulis kitab Asy-Syifa’
28. Ibnu Asakir Ad-Damsiqi, penulis Tarikh Damsiq
29. Ibnu Atsir Al-Juzuri, penulis Usdul Ghabah
30. Fakhrur Razi, penulis Tafsir Al-Kabir
31. Abu Zakariya An-Nawawi, penulis syarah Shahih Muslim
32. Abul Hujjaj Al-Muzzi, penulis Tahdzibul Kamal
33. Syamsuddin Adz-Dzahabi, penulis kitab-kitab yang masyhur
34. Adh-Dhiya’ Al-Muqaddasi, pwnulis kitab Al-Mukhtarah
35. Ibnu Katsir Ad-Damsiqi, mufassir dan penulis Tarikh
36. Nuruddin Al-Haitsami, penulis kitab Majma’uz zawaid
37. Jalaluddin As-Suyuthi, penulis kitab-kitab yang terkenal
38. Syihabuddin Al-Qasthalani, pensyarah Al-Bukhari.
39. Syamsuddin Ash-Shalihi Ad-Damsiqi, murid As-Suyuthi, penulis Sirah An-
1. Nabawiyah.
40. Syihabuddin Ibnu Hajar Al-Asqalani.
41. Syamsuddin Ibnu Thulul Ad-Damsiki.
42. Syihabuddin Ibnu Hajar Al-Makki, penulis Shawaiqul Muhriqah
43. Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi, penulis Kanzul Ummal.
44. Ali Al-Qari Al-Harawi.
45. Al-Mannawi, pensyarah Jamiush Shaghir.
46. Al-Halabi, penulis Sirah.
47. Dahlan, penulis Sirah.
48. Manshur bin Nashib, penulis At-Tajul Jami’ lil-Ushul.
49. An-Nabhani, penulis terkenal.
50. Al-Mubarak Yuri, pensyarah shahih Tirmidzi.
Some Sahih Versions of the Hadith:
Hadith alThaqalayn is a mutawatir tradition which has been narrated - as we will presently see in our introductory study of `Abaqat al'anwar, a book written to establish the fact of its tawatur - through scores of different chains of transmission (turuq) only in the Sunni hadith corpus. If we add to these the Shi`i turuq of the tradition, the total number of its narrators becomes considerable.
Apart from being mutawatir, the hadith has been transmitted through several sahih turuq, that is, through chains in which all the transmitters are regarded as thiqah or as of confirmed trustworthiness and reliability. Following are four of these sahih narrations of the tradition as recorded by Muslim and alHakim alNayshaburi in their compilations:

(Muslim says:) Zuhayr ibn Harb and Shuja` ibn Makhlad narrated to me from `Ulayyah that he said: Zuhayr said: narrated to us Isma`il ibn Ibrahim, from Abu Hayyan, from Yazid ibn Hayyan, who said: "I, Husayn ibn Sabrah and `Umar ibn Muslim went to see Zayd ibn Arqam. When we sat down with him, Husayn said to him, 'O Zayd, you have been greatly fortunate. You have seen the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be Allah's peace and benedictions, heard his speech, fought with him in battles and have prayed behind him. Indeed, O Zayd, you have been enormously fortunate. Narrate to us what you have heard from the Messenger of Allah , may Allah's peace and benedictions be upon him.'
"Zayd said: 'O brother, by God, I have become aged and old and I have forgotten some of what I used to remember from the Messenger of Allah , upon whom be Allah's peace and benedictions. So accept what I narrate to you and as to what I don't, trouble me not regarding it.' Then he said: 'One day the Messenger of Allah , upon whom be Allah's peace and benedictions, addressed us near a pond called Khumm between Makkah and Madinah. He praised God and extolled Him and preached and reminded (us). Then he said, "Lo, O people, I am only a human being and I am about to respond to the messenger of my Lord [i.e. the call of death]. I am leaving behind two precious things (thaqalayn) among you. The first of the two is the Book of Allah. In it is guidance and light. So get hold of the Book of Allah and adhere to it." Then he urged and motivated (us) regarding the Book of Allah . Then he said, "And my Ahl alBayt (family). I urge you to remember God regarding my Ahl alBayt. I urge you to remember God regarding my Ahl alBayt. I urge you to remember God regarding my Ahl alBayt"'" ....
(Sahih Muslim, part 7, Kitab fada'il alSahabah [Maktabat wa Matba`at Muhammad `Ali Subayh wa Awladuhu: Cairo] pp. 122-123.)

(AlHakim says:) Narrated to us Abu alHusayn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Tamim alHanzali in Baghdad, from Abu Qallabah `Abd alMalik ibn Muhammad alRaqqashi, from Yahya ibn Hammad; also narrated to me Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Balawayh and Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Ja`far alBazzaz, both of them from `Abd Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal, from his father, from Yahya ibn Hammad; and also narrated to us Abu Nasr Ahmad ibn Suhayl, the faqih of Bukhara, from Salih ibn Muhammad, the hafiz of Baghdad, from Khalaf ibn Salim alMakhrami, from Yahya ibn Hammad; and Yahya ibn Hammad narrated from Abu `Uwwanah from Sulayman al'A`mash, from Habib ibn Abi Thabit, from Abu alTufayl, from Zayd ibn Arqam, may God be pleased with him, who said: "The Messenger of Allah , may God's peace and benedictions be upon him and his progeny, while returning from his last hajj (hijjat alwada') came down at Ghadir Khumm and ordered (us) towards the big trees, and (the ground) underneath them was swept.
"Then he said, 'I am about to answer the call (of death). Verily, I have left behind two precious things amongst you, one of which is greater than the other. The Book of Allah , the Exalted, and my `itrah (kindred). So watch out how you treat these two after me, for verily they will not separate from each other until they come back to me by the side of the Pond.' Then he said 'Verily, Allah , the Almighty and the Glorious, is my master (mawla) and I am the master of every believer (mu'min).' Then he took `Ali, may God be pleased with him, by the hand and said, 'This (`Ali) is the master of whomever I am his master. O God, love whoever loves him and be the enemy of his enemy.'"
(AlHakim adds:) "This hadith is sahih in accordance with the conditions of sihhah laid down by the Shaykhayn (alBukhari and Muslim), although they have not recorded it in its full length."

(AlHakim says:) The first tradition (mentioned above) is supported by this one narrated by Salamah ibn Kuhayl, from Abu alTufayl, which is also sahih according to the requirements of alBukhari and Muslim. Narrated to us Abu Bakr ibn Ishaq and Da`laj ibn Ahmad alSijzi, both of them from Muhammad ibn Ayyub, from al'Azraq ibn `Ali, from Hassan ibn Ibrahim alKirmani, from Muhammad ibn Salamah ibn Kuhayl, from his father, from Abu al-Tufayl, from Ibn Wathilah that he heard Zayd ibn Arqam, may God be pleased with him, say: "The Messenger of Allah , may Allah 's peace and benedictions be upon him and his progeny, came down at a place between Makkah and Madinah near the trees with five big shades and the people swept the ground under the trees. Then the Messenger of Allah , may God's peace and benediction be upon him and his progeny, began to perform the evening prayer. After the prayer he began to address the people. He praised God and extolled Him, preaching and reminding (us), and said what God wanted him to say. Then he said, 'O people! Verily, I am leaving behind two matters (amrayn) among you if you follow them (the two) you will never go astray. These two are: the Book of God and my ahl albayt, my `itrah.' Then he said thrice: 'Do you know that I have more right over the believers (Inni awla bi almu'minin) than they over themselves?' The people said, 'Yes.' Then the Messenger of Allah , may Allah's peace and benedictions be upon him and his progeny said, 'Of whomever I am his master (mawla) `Ali also is his master.'"
(al'Imam al-Hafiz Abu `Abd Allah alHakim alNaysaburi, alMustadrak `ala al-Sahihayn [Dar alMa`rifah li alTiba`ah wa alNashr: Beirut), vol. iii, pp. 109-110).

(AlHakim says:) Narrated to us Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn alHusayn ibn Muslim, the faqih of Ray, from Muhammad ibn Ayyub, from Yahya ibn al-Mughirah alSa`di, from Jarir ibn `Abd alHamid, from alHasan ibn `Abd Allah alNakha`i, from Muslim ibn Subayh, from Zayd ibn Arqam, may God be pleased with him, who said: "The Messenger of Allah , may Allah's peace and benedictions be upon him and his progeny, said, 'Verily, I leave behind two precious things amongst you: the Book of Allah and my ahl albayt. Verily, the two will never separate until they come back to me by the side of the Pond.'"
(AlHakim says:) This hadith is sahih al'isnad according to the conditions laid down by the Shaykhayn (alBukhari and Muslim), though they did not record it. (alHakim, op. cit., vol. iii, p. 148)These are four versions of the tradition narrated on the authority of Zayd ibn Arqam. Their sihhah (authenticity) is confirmed by two of the great Sunni Imams of hadith. In addition, as we will see in our study of `Abaqatal'anwar, the tradition has been narrated by more than thirty Companions of the Prophet (S) and a host of narrators and leading traditionists of every generation up to the contemporary era.
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